A woman was able to get out of her disabled vehicle in just enough time to avoid a potentially serious situation in Massachusetts on Sunday evening. 


The crash happened on July 17th on Interstate 495 South in Boxborough. 

According to Mass Live, a disabled van was pulled over in the breakdown lane  on I-495 south when the motorist noticed an oncoming semi truck heading down the breakdown lane towards her van. The driver was able to scramble from her vehicle just moments before the big rig collided with it, crumpling it from behind. 

“We are happy to report that her quick thinking saved her life,” the Boxborough Police Officer’s Association said on Facebook. “She is free of injury.”

No information regarding why the driver crashed into the van has been released, but one commenter on the Boxborough Police Officer’s Association Facebook post claims that “a BPD officer has stated that the driver was possibly distracted by his daughter who was in the truck with him.”

Police and commenters have consistently referred to the truck as a “tractor trailer,” although pictures of the full rig have not been released.